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Links & Linux

I received my Pinebook Pro the other day. I have been playing for some time with the idea of moving to Linux or a *BSD for my personal computer use. The main things that have stopped me in the past have been gaming and the need for AutoCAD & various programs that only run on Windows. This still hasn't changed, given the current situation with working from home in my day job, we are all using personal devices for the work. I am not thrilled about that state of affairs, but it is what it is for the moment.

The Pinebook is my move to use open source systems for recreation. It's essentially an ARM netbook, roughly the size of a macbook air, running Manjaro right now. I'm not fully sold on Manjaro yet, ever since my teens I've had an unwarranted aversion to KDE as a DE and this seems to be holding true for Manjaro right now. I will at some point try out XFCE or something similar, the Pinebook can be a bit sluggish with KDE at times, but it's probably more important right now to just get used to using Linux right now anyway.

So, as a part of that, I migrated my piaine directory for this site to a git repo on I cloned the piaine repo to the Pinebook, and it ran without any issues! .Net Core is really just a piece of magic. Software developed on Windows x86_64 compiles and builds with no issues on aarm64. Following on from that I took another look at the issue with inserting links into paragraphs, and wouldn't you know it it was an incredibly simple solution. I refactored the check for the end of a paragraph to be a function that instead checks against a number of individual characters and returns true if any of them are present. A two line fix that should have been self evident at the time. I do feel somewhat better about it though given that the reason I couldn't find it before was that when I tried similar, there was a dangling link delimiter as a part of one of my post source files, and the parser still doesn't give feedback if any fields are left unclosed.

As I say every time I do any more work to piaine, this is the last change I needed to make it something ready for general use for myself. But I do mean it this time.
